Headspace Autosamplers

For Cannabis Residual Solvents and Terpenes

FLEX autosampler for cannabis testing

EST - Agilent - Tekmar

AIM carries multiple headspace cannabis testing options. Our headspace testing equipment is designed to pair with Gas Chromatography (GC) and Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) to analyze residual cannabis solvents and terpenes. Analyzing cannabis using a headspace method allows for a cleaner sample injection as it leaves the bulk of cannabis' multitude of interfering matrices behind while injecting the analytes of interest. Headspace is required for residual solvents testing and one of two options (headspace and liquid) for terpenes. Headspace is not capable of injecting samples for cannabinoids analysis. Depending on the type of headspace autosampler, it may also be capable of doing liquid cannabis testing and Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) injection.

There are a wide range of autosampler choices available. From multi-functional, robotic options like the EST FLEX, to more standard headspace testing equipment options from Agilent and Tekmar.

  • Common AIM inventory of headspace autosamplers:
  • EST FLEX with any combination of Headspace, Liquid, and SPME
  • Agilent 7694
  • Agilent 1888
  • Agilent 7697
  • Tekmar 7000
  • Tekmar HT3

See Also:

Confused by all these acronyms? Start by checking out the Cannabis Testing Starter Guide to learn about which instrument may suit your needs!

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